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6 Ways You Can Shop at Costco Without a Membership

If you like eating quality food and using quality things then chances are you’ll benefit greatly from a Costco membership. If you don’t already have a membership card than you should consider getting one, as you can save a huge amount of money on your groceries and other necessities through the great deals they have at Costco. However, in order to get into the doors at Costco and get access to their great prices, the Costco membership is not free. In fact, it ranges from $55 to $110 depending on the plan that you get. However, if you aren’t sure you want to commit to a Costco membership then there are ways to access the Costco merchandise without a card. Here are six ways to fly under the radar and do some membership-free shopping at Costco.

Go On a Trial Run

Costco’s membership has a great refund policy. If you are dissatisfied for whatever reason at any time you can ask for a full refund of your membership fee. This allows you to pay for a membership to Costco and give it a test run. If you feel as though you are not getting enough value from it then you can simply ask for a full refund of your money at any time. This allows you to give shopping at Costco a risk-free try before fully committing to the membership price.

Purchasing Alcohol

Costco allows the sale of alcohol to any non-members who are of a legal drinking age. This is due to the fact that there are alcohol regulations that do not allow for membership-only alcohol purchases. This means that you can get great discounts on your favorite alcoholic beverages without having to purchase a membership. In fact, Costco has its own brand of alcohol that is comparable to quality alcohol brands such as Grey Goose. All you have to do is tell the door attendant that you are there to purchase alcohol and you should get in without a problem.

Purchasing Prescriptions

Similar to alcohol, prescription drugs are very highly regulated, which forces Costco to sell them without requiring a membership. As with alcohol, all you need to do is let the door attendant know that you are there to purchase prescription medication and you will be let in the door. With Costco boasting some of the best prices in prescriptions, this is very beneficial, especially if you have an ailment that requires the frequent purchase of medication.


Non-members can purchase items online from However, there is a downside to this service. Those that aren’t members are charged an extra 5% on all items besides alcohol and prescription drugs. Additionally, the food products are pretty limited online as well.

Use the Costco Cash Card

Costco allows non-members to use the Costco Cash Card at any time. This cash card is pretty much a gift card. When a non-member shows one of these cards at the door they will be let in to make any purchases with it that they want. The problem with this card is that it can only be bought by a Costco member and cannot be reloaded. If you want to test drive a Costco grocery trip then asking a member to purchase a card for you can be a great way to try it out.

Shop With a Member

Although this one shouldn’t be used to often, as the actual member of Costco could get annoyed. Asking to piggyback off of a member doesn’t hurt every once in a while. All you have to do is tag along, and the Costco cashier will ring up your purchases separately.

Finances - 23 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

5 Debt Consolidation Loan Pitfalls to Avoid

It is all too easy to make a debt consolidation error. In the end, it’s much easier to fall into a debt trap than it is to get out of one. Being in debt can be extremely stressful and many people find that their options are limited when it comes to debt relief. The good news is that by understanding all of your options and knowing what debt consolidation mistakes to avoid, you can ensure that you make the right decision when it comes to your debt and avoid any consolidation loan pitfalls.

Not Shopping Around

When you consolidate your debts, it is extremely important to take the interest rates into consideration. Don’t just consolidate your debt at the first consolidation company that you locate. Instead, look around for the best interest rate possible. On top of this, look at your credit report for any errors before going to a lender. If you do find an error then you should immediately dispute it in order to give your credit score a boost and qualify for a better interest rate.

Choosing a Longer Term

When thinking about making a monthly payment many people don’t consider their loan term. By extending your repayment term, it does in fact lower your monthly payments, however it comes at a more expensive overall cost due to the fact that you have to make an increased amount of payments. When it comes to refinancing, it is important to calculate the complete cost of your loan, which includes interest. Pick a consolidation loan that has a repayment schedule that is short enough that the total cost of your loan is lower than what you would originally pay if you didn’t consolidate.

Raising Your Interest Rate

If you are dealing with a debt that has a low interest rate then you shouldn’t refinance it by consolidating with an increased interest rate. This makes no sense when it comes to your finances, as it will increase the overall cost of your debt. When it comes to consolidating debt, it is important that you compare your debt consolidation interest rate to the rates of all of your individual debts. Only consolidate the debts that will get you lower interest rates as a result.

Consolidating Unsecured Debt into Secured

There are two major types of debt—unsecured and secured. Unsecured debt is the type of debt that is not attached to any asset. This means that if you are unable to repay the debt then the lender can attempt to collect it through other means. A secured loan, on the other hand, is one that is attached to a property. This means that if you miss a debt payment then the lender has the right to take your property from you. When it comes to debt, a secured loan does come with a lower interest rate however it also puts you at risk of losing your property. Unless you are completely confident that you can keep up with your loan payments, you should avoid consolidating an unsecured loan into a secured one.

Replacing Your Debt

After you consolidate your debt, especially if it is credit card debt then it is important that you do not make the mistake of replacing the debt right away, as this can lead you to be in an even worse situation. Instead, you should ensure that you put down your credit cards after you have taken the debt off of them. If you cannot trust yourself than hide your credit cards or close your account completely in order to avoid putting yourself back into the same situation you were in before consolidation.

loans - 20 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

5 Smart Ways for Students to Build Credit

Having bad credit or no credit at all can keep you from purchasing a house, paying for your education, or even obtaining your dream job. Due to this, building up your good credit is essential. However, this can be a little tricky as a student. In order to have good credit, you must use your credit responsibly. Here are five ways to build credit as a university student.

Only Borrow As Much as You Can Afford to Pay Back

When you start only borrowing money that you can afford to pay back, it allows future creditors and lenders to see that you are a responsible borrower. This will make it easier for you to borrow money as well as get new lines of credit. By showing that you understand the importance of borrowing what you can afford to repay, you can not only build up your good credit, but also avoid falling into a debt trap. The same thing applies to loans. By only taking out loans that you can afford to pay back, even if the lender says you qualify for more, you will ensure a positive credit history.

Utilize Only Minimal Amounts of the Credit Available to You

Using all of your available credit, or even coming close to that is extremely irresponsible, especially as a student who has limited access to funds. This is especially the case if you do not think you can repay the entire balance by the end of the month. Those people that tend to max out their credit cards are usually the ones who have trouble repaying the loans that they borrow, and so lenders can be more wary when it comes to giving out loans. It is recommended that you stay below fifty percent of your credit limit, and even attempt to stay below 30% in order to build a good credit score.

Use Only One Credit Card

Many people who first start using credit cards begin to accumulate a huge collection of them within the first few years of their credit use. You should not make this mistake, as opening up too many credit cards all at once is not a good way to build up good credit. Keep in mind that the more credit you possess, the more credit you’ll end up using which will make it harder to maintain your credit card payments. On top of this, having too many inquiries on your record will negatively impact your credit score.

Pay Off Your Credit Card in Full

If you only use your credit card enough that you will be able to repay it in full at the end of the month then you wont have to worry about accumulating debt. On top of this, being able to repay your balance every month shows creditors that you can pay your bills on time, which is something that is very beneficial to your credit score. Keep in mind that a substantial part of your credit score is you being able to make payments on time, and so paying your balance in full will improve your credit score.

Age Your Accounts

The longer that you have a line of credit, the more beneficial it is for your credit score. By leaving your accounts open and letting them age, it will allow you to increase your credit age and thus build good credit. Avoid closing old credit accounts because of this, and keep in mind that if you do decide to close an account, it will not disappear from your credit report right away. In fact, it will take a few years in order for credit bureaus to drop your closed accounts.

Finances - 19 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

Tips for Making Extra Cash by Renting Out a Spare Room

Where many people see an empty guest room, you are thinking about turning your empty space into a way of making extra cash by renting it out to a guest. In fact, the average going rate for renting a room is as high as $65 per night depending on the location of your house. Whether you are considering renting out a spare bedroom for a few nights to a vacationer or something more long term, you should know the ins and outs of renting out a room.

Use a Website

There are plenty of websites out there that will help you rent out a room in your house for a small period of time in order to make some serious cash. For example, and can aid in getting a room rented out in no time. Simply post a picture of your location and room with some pertinent information and you can be well on your way to making money. This has become increasingly popular over the past few years. In fact has over 70,000 listings in the US alone. This is probably due to the fact that these types of sites help tremendously in finding renters trustworthy tenants.

Clear Out the Clutter

Before you can properly advertise your guest room and find a tenant you need to make it ready to live in. This means clearing out the clutter and making the room presentable. Make sure to take out any personal touches such as family photos, as tenants do not want to feel like they are intruding.

Paint The Room 

People don’t want to feel like they’re sleeping in a prison or boarding room so make sure to spruce up the room before attempting to rent it out. This includes repainting it with a bright and cheerful color as it not only makes the room feel cozier, but also makes it feel bigger. If you’re going to spend money on anything to redo the room your renting out then paint is the first thing you should invest in.

Keep In Mind That Big Beds Rent Better

If you have anything smaller than a queen bed in your guest room then you may want to consider upgrading to a bigger bed. This is because a bigger bed opens up the doors to your room getting rented out by a much larger pool of potential guests. It is also recommended that you purchase brand new sheets in order to give the room a fresher and cleaner feeling.

Get Professional Photos Taken

If you use a website in order to rent out your room they may send out a photographer to take photos of your room for free. Otherwise, you may want to consider hiring one in order to get great photos of your room from all angles.

Use Common Search Terms When Listing Your Room

If you reside close to a major city or a lake or park then don’t hold back from bragging about it. By putting in key search terms that are relevant to your location and the room you’re renting out, you can get your rental listing at the top of the search results. It is recommended that you avoid search words such as budget, bargain and cheap. This is due to the fact that the price is already listed and so it’ll speak for itself. On top of this, those words can often be associated with poor quality. Instead you should think more along the terms of beautiful and luxurious or peaceful and calm in order for guests to get a feel for the atmosphere they will be staying in.

Finances - 18 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

5 Easy Maintenance Tips That Will Extend the Life of Your Car

Although you may plan on keeping your car running forever, that doesn’t usually work out. The good news is you can take a few steps in order to extend your car’s life, while also lowering the chance of having any inconvenient mechanical malfunctions. Here are five basic and easy ways to extend the life of your car.

Follow Your Service Schedule

This may seem intuitive, but there are many vehicle owners who pay way too little attention to their car’s maintenance schedule that is displayed in the owner’s manual. You should follow this schedule and not that of the car dealer’s, as they are the ones that built the car and so know the best schedule to follow in order to make sure you car remains in tip top shape. This is especially the case if you have a later model car, as not following the maintenance schedule can result in costly damage to your car.

Check Tire Pressure and Fluids on a Regular Basis

This task takes around ten minutes or less. All you need to do is let your engine cool down before opening up the hood of your car and pulling out the oil dipstick. With a rag, wipe it clean and then reinsert it and take it out again in order to check your oil levels. Keep in mind that oil is the most important fluid for your engine, and so it is crucial that it is well maintained. After this you should check the radiator reservoir level as well as the brake cylinder reservoir. You should also regularly check the transmission fluid level and the power steering fluid level. After all your car’s fluids have been checked, you should then check your car’s tire pressure by using a pressure gauge. This should be done at least once a month if not more.

Go Easy on the Start Up

A cold engine has little to no oil in its moving parts as it has all drained down the oil pan. This means that after starting up your car, you should keep your engine rpm to a minimum for the first few seconds while the engine gets re-lubricated. All your engine needs is thirty seconds before it is nice and oiled up and ready to be revved. If your engine has been off for more than 24 hours than you should give it a little more than thirty seconds to warm up.

Listen For Strange Noises

It is recommended that you turn off your radio every once in a while in order to listen to any strange noises that your car could make. For example, a clicking sound could be that you drove over a nail and it is stuck in your tire. On the other hand, if you hear a screeching sound whenever you break then it is probably time to get new brakes. If you don’t know exactly where the noise is coming from in your car, you should immediately take it to a mechanic to find the source of the problem.

Drive in a Calm Manner

It’s important to go easy on your car when you are driving. This means not pressing too hard on your brakes and not driving too hard. On occasion putting your car in full-throttle acceleration or panic stopping is not going to do any harm to your car, however if it is a common occurrence then it can erode your car’s tires and brakes and significantly lower your car’s time on the road. The same thing goes for shifting gears. You should make sure that your car is fully stopped before going backwards or switching back into forwards.

Finances - 17 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

6 Tips for Saving Money at Theme Parks This Summer

As the summer months start rolling in, theme parks are notorious for raising their prices. That doesn’t stop people from wanting to have a great day at their favorite theme park however, and it shouldn’t put a stop to your plans. The good news is there are several ways to save money on the cost of your visit to a theme park. Here are six tips that should keep some money in your pocket while still allowing you and your family to have a great time.

Buy Your Tickets Online

It is typically much cheaper to buy your tickets from an online vendor than directly at the gate. On top of this, printing your tickets at home allows you to save time waiting in line to buy your tickets. You should also keep in mind that one-day tickets can sell at a pretty premium, whereas buying a multi-day ticket deal can save you money each day. You should also look into purchasing a season pass if you frequent a certain theme park, as these often pay for themselves in two to three visits.

Sign Up For Newsletters

Signing up for theme park newsletters can often mean receiving exclusive deals on theme park events. You should also look into special savings on such websites as and park websites such as for special offers.

Look For Special Offers on Products

Some major theme parks such as Disney and Six Flags partner with different companies in order to offer you special deals on their tickets for purchasing a certain product. For example, you can find Six Flags coupons on Coca-Cola products. You can also find coupons for Hershey Park at participating Burger King, Subway and CVS locations in the four states around the park’s location in Pennsylvania.

Save Money on Food and Drink

Food and drink at theme parks are notoriously expensive. You can save some money on this however by opting out of the $10 hot dog and having a tailgate picnic in the parking lot instead. At some theme parks you are also allowed to bring in a small cooler, which you could rent a locker for and put a homemade lunch in. This will save you a significant amount, even with the price of the locker. Additionally, if you decide to purchase a drink, consider sharing a supersized version, which will always give you more bang for your buck than a small cup and often come with free refills.

Consider Parking Costs

If you are flying in to California or Orlando for a multi-day trip to Universal or Disney then you need to take the cost of renting a car as well as parking and gas into consideration when looking at the price of hotels. Even if you find a cheaper room rate at a farther distance away from the park, keep in mind that you may actually save money and time by staying at a hotel that is run by the park, as they usually offer free shuttle service to and from the theme park. On top of this, many park-run hotels offer incentives such as free meals and discounts.

Make a Budget

Before you head off for your adventure at a theme park, it is a savvy move to create a budget for the extra expenses that you’ll likely accumulate. For example, give each of your kids $10-30 in order to spend as they please in the park, but set that limit and do not budge if they ask for more. If you are on a strict budget then you could also declare off limits to any sort of extras. This means steering clear of souvenir shops and activities that cost extra such as carnival games.

Finances - 16 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

4 Reasons to Think Twice About Using Private Student Loans

Student loan debt now surpasses credit card debt and is topped at over $1 trillion. Knowing this you might ask yourself, is attending college worth the thousands of dollars of debt? Arguably yes, as a college education is now usually the minimum requirement for a majority of jobs. That being said, many recommend that you do everything in your power to stay away from private student loans. Here are four reasons why you should think twice before taking out a private student loan.

No Guarantee That You Can Pay the Money Back

A bank or other financial institution usually handles private loans and their number one job is to make money. When these institutions give out a student loan it isn’t to help you get an education, it is to make even more money in interest. Unfortunately student loans are even worse than other types of debt as you cannot discharge them through bankruptcy unless you are in extreme hardship, such as a terminal illness or disability. Even if you do default on your student loan, the government guarantees the loan and will make sure that the bank is effectively repaid. This means that the bank has absolutely no reason to deny their borrowers a loan based on anything but need. However, as a borrower you should consider very carefully how much money you borrow as well as how much money you’ll realistically be able to earn. If you don’t think you’ll be able to repay your loan in a reasonable length of time then you should reconsider taking out a hefty private loan. Remember there is no guarantee that you’ll graduate with a job.

Private Loans Have Extremely High Interest Rates

When you apply for a private student loan, like most other loans, you are charged with interest. This interest is determined by a percentage, which is called an interest rate. For state and federal loans the interest rate is fixed at somewhere between 4 and 7%. On the other hand, private student loans have a much higher interest rate. This makes it much harder to pay it back in a reasonable amount of time, as you have to pay more in interest for every dollar you borrow.

Private Loans Don’t Offer the Same Repayment Terms as Federal or State Loans

Federal and state loans give their borrowers plenty of repayment options. You can decide to repay these loans in 10, 15 or even 20 years, which allows you to spread out your payments and sacrifice less. You can also choose to repay you loans based on your salary each year. However, this protection and flexibility is not offered with private student loans. Private lenders do not give their borrowers a variety of repayment options, and instead stick to a rigid repayment schedule that can be extremely difficult to follow right after college.

You’re Putting Others at Risk

The majority of private student loans require that a cosigner sign with the student. This means that the cosigner, who usually is mom or dad, is putting their credit at risk in the case that you default. As stated previously, defaulting is more common with private loans as repayment options are limited. In fact, even if you pass away prematurely, your cosigner will still be liable for your student debt as private lenders aren’t required to discharge debt in the case of death.  Unfortunately, private student lenders are known to be one of the worst types of loan lenders as they have a tendency to harass those that owe them money. This can come in the form of annoying collection calls and even personal visits and can leave the cosigner frazzled.

loans - 13 Jun, 2014 - No Comments

5 Useful Tips for a College Student to Land a Summer Job

As a college student, finding a summer job in this economy is quite tricky. In fact, it’s hard for everyone to find a job right now. However, teenagers and young adults are hit the hardest.  Many university students need and want a summer job in order to finance their tuition. If finding a summer job is on your to do list this summer, think about these things in order to land a summer job.

Start as Soon as Possible

You should not be looking for a summer job a few weeks before class lets out. Instead try applying for summer jobs one to two months in advance of your classes ending. There are many places you can look to in order to find a summer job. This includes contacting your past employers. As long as you have been a good employee in the past, getting in touch with your past employers can be very beneficial in finding a summer job. Even if the job that you had is no longer available, many employers will be willing to find a job for you if you proved to be a good worker.

Get Help From Your College

A great place to look in order to obtain a summer job is at your university. Most universities have great job boards that have an extensive list of job postings up for grabs. On top of this, many universities have job openings at the school itself once the summer begins and often offer free room and board to those who have a position over the summer.

Determine What Kind of Job You Want

As a college student you have several options that you should consider. For start, are you interested in an unpaid or paid job opportunity? Although making money is most likely very important to you, finding an unpaid internship can be extremely beneficial to your future. This is because it can be difficult to find a paid job in your area of interest, and idealistically you want to find a job that will give you experience in the area that you are interested in. You may also want to consider creating a job for yourself. Many college students are able to make a substantial amount of money soliciting their skills as a lawn mower, pet sitter or babysitter. By being an enterprising student not only can you make a substantial amount of money, but you could also gain very valuable experience.

Dress the Part

If you land a job interview then it is crucial that you look the part. The formality of your apparel should depend on the type of job interview you have. If you are interviewing for a waitress position or to work at a clothing store then casual but nice apparel is appropriate. However, if you’ve landed a job interview with a professional company then business casual or business professional is more appropriate. If you do not have the appropriate attire then don’t be afraid to ask family and friends for help, as people will most likely be more then willing to lend you the proper clothes for an interview.

Do Your Research and Prepare

Before interviewing for a summer job make sure to do your research about the mode of employment you are interviewing for. Knowing its history and policies before hand can be a great way to get ahead of the game and show the interviewer that you came into your interview prepared. Practicing interview questions is also a great way to land the job by ensuring you know what to say for the typical interview questions.

Finances - 16 May, 2014 - No Comments

5 Ways to Prevent Your Car from Becoming a Money Pit

Maintaining your car can be an extremely expensive obligation in both the short run and the long run. This is especially true if you let your car turn into a money pit that drains your wallet. The good news is that there are ways to save money on your car expenses and make sure that your car is not burning a hole in your wallet. Here are five ways to prevent your car from becoming a money pit.

Save Money From the Start

It is quite easy to save a substantial amount of money over your car’s lifespan just by searching for a lower financing rate and purchase price in the first place. Another great way to save thousands of dollars during your car’s lifetime is to effectively evaluate the specifics of your car. This includes its estimated cost of repairs over its lifetime as well as its fuel efficiency. In the long run choosing a car whose parts are cheaper to replace and who has decent fuel consumption can save you a huge amount of money in the long run.

Comparison Shop For Your Car 

When it comes time to buy a new car, it is crucial that you buckle down and do some extensive comparison-shopping. In order to do this, visit and call a minimum of five car dealerships in order to obtain price quotes. It is also a savvy move to let them know you are also calling their competitors in order to ensure you get the best quotes possible. To avoid having your money drained from an expensive car insurance policy, it is also important to do the same when it comes to applying for insurance. You can save a significant amount of money on your car expenses simply by find the best possible price on your car insurance as well as the most extensive policy.

Avoid Parking and Speeding Tickets

Everyone wants to get home from work as quickly as possible, however this may come at the cost of getting very expensive speeding tickets due to going over the speed limit. Make sure that you slow down and follow all traffic rules in order to avoid having to pay traffic tickets. It is also critical that you pay attention to parking signs and always pay the meter before it runs out of time. Although this may seem obvious, many people waste money simply by being negligent.

Go Easy on the Pedal

In order to save money on your car and avoid spending a huge amount of money on gas then it is a good idea to go easy on your accelerator. Keep in mind that each time you press down on your accelerator, your gas consumption is increased by a substantial amount. Another means to save money on your fuel is to ensure that you pump your gas yourself and that you always use the lowest octane that your car can handle. By combining a well-tuned engine with cheap fuel and decent tire pressure, you can save a couple hundreds dollars every year simply on fuel expenditures.

Get Good Prices on Your Car Accessories

In order to avoid spending a drastic amount of money on car expenses then it is a good idea to ensure that all of the accessories you need to purchase in order to make your car run smoothly are purchased at the lowest possible price. To do this, try buying in bulk and looking for deals on car products. This includes engine oil, batteries, spark plugs, mats, air fresheners and winter tires. Buying these things when they come on sale or in bulk can save you a good amount of money.

Finances - 17 Apr, 2014 - No Comments

Options When Unemployed and Running Out of Unemployment Benefits

What are your options when your unemployment benefits are almost done and you are still unemployed? The good news is that there are things you can do to make sure you stay on your feet during hard financial times.

Check Your State Unemployment Office

The first step to take is to contact your State Unemployment Office in order to ensure that you are getting all of the benefits that you may qualify for. If you are running out of your unemployment benefits, look into other resources that could be available to you and take advantage of anything that the office offers you in order to get a new job.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Your circumstances could allow you to receive food stamps or another type of government assistance. Don’t be too proud to accept this, as it can aid tremendously when you are running out of options. Check in with the Social Services department of your state in order to see what other types of assistance you can qualify for. Additionally, there are plenty of community organizations that help those that are unemployed with donations, babysitting, food baskets, etc.

Get an Unemployment Loan

If you are in dire need of money then there are some loans that are designed for people who do not have a steady paycheck. Although borrowing money when you are unemployed is a valid option it is important to keep in mind that you will eventually have to repay the loan.

Look Into Your Local Career Center

These centers usually have good information on resources that are available to you when you are unemployed. This includes any community organization that will help you with food costs, utility bills, etc. They may also provide information on how to attain a temporary position as well as permanent job listings.

Try Your Hand at Temping 

It’s worth a shot to call a temp agency in your local area to schedule an appointment. If you are able to get temp work it is a great way to not only make money but also to build your résumé. On top of this, some temp positions can potentially lead to a permanent job.

Give United Way a Call

Contact your local United Way in order to see if they know any organizations that can help you find a job, downsize to a smaller home, improve your job skills or with personal budgeting.

Dial 211

You can dial 211 in many areas in order to get referred to a multitude of agencies including social services, charities and non-profit counseling. Keep in mind that it is better to get some sort of job than no work at all.

Sell Your Things

Anything that you don’t absolutely need can be sold at a yard sale or on Craigslist or EBay. You can also check out your local pawnshops to see if you can get some cash for smaller valuables.

Ask to Get an Informational Interview

One secret technique to land a job that not many people know about is to ask for an informational interview with a place you are interested in working for. By saying that you are not asking them for a job, you can take the pressure off. Say that you are interested in learning about the company, job function, industry, etc. This is a good way to get information, and on top of this if there is a job opening that you are a match for, then you can potentially land yourself with a new employment opportunity.  Additionally, if there is not a job opening then you could be redirected to a contact that does have an opening.

Finances - 1 Apr, 2014 - No Comments