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6 Tips for Saving Money at Theme Parks This Summer

As the summer months start rolling in, theme parks are notorious for raising their prices. That doesn’t stop people from wanting to have a great day at their favorite theme park however, and it shouldn’t put a stop to your plans. The good news is there are several ways to save money on the cost of your visit to a theme park. Here are six tips that should keep some money in your pocket while still allowing you and your family to have a great time.

Buy Your Tickets Online

It is typically much cheaper to buy your tickets from an online vendor than directly at the gate. On top of this, printing your tickets at home allows you to save time waiting in line to buy your tickets. You should also keep in mind that one-day tickets can sell at a pretty premium, whereas buying a multi-day ticket deal can save you money each day. You should also look into purchasing a season pass if you frequent a certain theme park, as these often pay for themselves in two to three visits.

Sign Up For Newsletters

Signing up for theme park newsletters can often mean receiving exclusive deals on theme park events. You should also look into special savings on such websites as and park websites such as for special offers.

Look For Special Offers on Products

Some major theme parks such as Disney and Six Flags partner with different companies in order to offer you special deals on their tickets for purchasing a certain product. For example, you can find Six Flags coupons on Coca-Cola products. You can also find coupons for Hershey Park at participating Burger King, Subway and CVS locations in the four states around the park’s location in Pennsylvania.

Save Money on Food and Drink

Food and drink at theme parks are notoriously expensive. You can save some money on this however by opting out of the $10 hot dog and having a tailgate picnic in the parking lot instead. At some theme parks you are also allowed to bring in a small cooler, which you could rent a locker for and put a homemade lunch in. This will save you a significant amount, even with the price of the locker. Additionally, if you decide to purchase a drink, consider sharing a supersized version, which will always give you more bang for your buck than a small cup and often come with free refills.

Consider Parking Costs

If you are flying in to California or Orlando for a multi-day trip to Universal or Disney then you need to take the cost of renting a car as well as parking and gas into consideration when looking at the price of hotels. Even if you find a cheaper room rate at a farther distance away from the park, keep in mind that you may actually save money and time by staying at a hotel that is run by the park, as they usually offer free shuttle service to and from the theme park. On top of this, many park-run hotels offer incentives such as free meals and discounts.

Make a Budget

Before you head off for your adventure at a theme park, it is a savvy move to create a budget for the extra expenses that you’ll likely accumulate. For example, give each of your kids $10-30 in order to spend as they please in the park, but set that limit and do not budge if they ask for more. If you are on a strict budget then you could also declare off limits to any sort of extras. This means steering clear of souvenir shops and activities that cost extra such as carnival games.

Finances - 16 Jun, 2014 - No Comments