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5 Ways to Save Cash When Going Out

Many people find that when they receive a little bit of money, it is far easier to live outside of their means than to buckle down and save, as they should be doing. It is difficult to save when you feel you live from paycheck to paycheck and who does not like treating themselves to a night on the town or a new pair of shoes every once and a while? Here are five ways to save some money and still have a good time.

Create a Budget

The number one thing that any person should do is to create a budget. As tedious as that may sound, creating a budget is not only a great way to save money – it will keep you organized and on track, so you know the proper amount of spending money that you have. Laying everything out in black and white may seem like a daunting task but many people live outside of their means. With a budget staring you in the face, you know the amount of money coming in as well as the amount that is required to go out to stay afloat.

Date Nights

Date nights with your loved ones are a special occasion; this does not mean that it has to be a costly one. Anyone who is in a relationship will most likely enjoy the quality time that they are able to spend with their partners over breaking the bank trying to impress them. Perhaps go on a nice picnic in the park and then a walk afterwards or grabbing a slice of pizza and heading to the movies.


Take advantage of any coupon that you come across. There are many companies that offer coupons for different restaurants, movies, family packaged deals, food items from the grocery store, etc. There is a plethora of coupons available if you actually just take the time to look at them. Circulars come in the mail weekly and you may find coupons for your favorite local coffee shop. These ‘pennies’ being saved do add up over time. Do the math; it may be shocking at the amount of money that you will save at the end of the year.

Create a Shopping List

This may sound silly but creating a shopping list before you go out will help you stay on track and prevent you from spending money that you do not need to. You may want to grab an extra container of juice or a bag of chips, but is it necessary? The next time you go shopping, remember to ask yourself ‘do you really need this or just want it?’ If one can differentiate between necessities versus desires, they will be well on their way to saving money.

Do Not Overdo It

This rule applies to anywhere you go. Anything can be great in moderation…it is just a simple rule. Stick to the basics. When you go out to eat, do you have to order an appetizer and drinks or can you simply go in and get your meal with non-alcoholic beverages. This alone will save a couple at least twenty dollars on your bill. When grocery shopping, only purchase the food that is needed for that week. Many people go food shopping and tend to shop for a longer period time than they should be and then food spoils and goes to waste. You may as well throw your money in the trash.

Being conscious about the money that you are spending and sticking to a strict budget will certainly assist in saving money every time you step out of the door.

Finances - 24 Jan, 2014 - No Comments